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Are you making the most of the new opportunity, the new you?

Over the last 6 months, life has changed for a lot of us. This is being discussed widely on Social Media and I thought I would add my reflections.

There are a number of things that this has tested many of us at an individual level.

  1. Our stability
  2. Our self belief
  3. Our friendships
  4. Our ability to adapt to change
  5. Our knowledge of the online world
  6. Our ability to remain positive
  7. Our propensity to focus on fears
  8. Our values and what really matters to us
  9. Our choice of careers
  10. Our belief, hope and trust in the future.

I have loved so much of the way this has forced me into rethinking, once again “what is important to me?”.

Discovering that I can have so much joy, right in front of me, a walk opposite our front door that we didn’t know existed. The fact that when I ride my new bike, I cannot do it without a smile on my face. The fact that, I love the simple things in life and now I can simplify my life.

One thing we do is we complicate our life, comparison with others, imaginary fears, the need to achieve daily, even carrying some of the drivers that we had in our 20’s and 30’s and now we can step back and reset, as that is not ‘me’ any more.

My greatest joy has been helping business owners through this period to calm their minds and create new plans, connect them to people who have skills, connect people to them as they have skills that others need.

In September Thomas and Launched BIP100.Club, to ‘Celebrate Experts’ – to support, grow and love them. ( )

It is tremendous to hear the lives of people just like us, and possibly just like you, who have decided that social media is a noise, a place they need to be present, but not a positive place to spend too much time within. What they want is small, intimate, private groups to achieve all the things that they know is possible, to let go of limiting beliefs and the find the path to a quality of life that they can now see possible.

There is so much to celebrate, right there, right inside of you and outside your front door. However, getting our heads and hearts to a place where we feel we can pivot, innovate, even self indulge in our dreams can be hard. We have gone through many reincarnations over the past 8 years since our world at that time, fell apart. Adversity strikes and you go into survival mode. You find yourself hunting for anything, when you used to hunt only for the best meat. I know how fear strikes, I know the fear and the eventual loss of our family home, I know the loss of identity, I know the loss of mojo. I also know the feeling of “I just cannot give up’ and that adrenaline filled wake up moment when you tell yourself ‘today is going to feel better’. using positivity to get through.

My real change happened when I took control of my desires and planned ‘the life and business I wanted to lead’. I designed a new life, doing what I felt I was best at, being my best, and truly knowing how to live within my own values and beliefs.

If you are at a crossroads, see this as an opportunity to reshape your life, design it. We have supported so many people through these fears and needs and I know, 100% that with love and with new skills, with the right people around you, adversity will turn into gratitude.

We are all able to adapt…. just decide what you need and find your own way there.

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