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Penny Power Ponders – Love is a virus

Welcome to this week’s Ponder and thank you, last week I met many friends, due to a highly sociable birthday week, and it was amazing to hear that they like reading my Ponders. I love that some people really do choose to ponder the thoughts for their week and this week’s words are based on a great learning I had from a new client.

I am talking here about how love is a virus, we can all spread it, and it seems to be highly spreadable. It is the basis of any culture to create it, within family, friends, in the workplace and even in fleeting moments with strangers. We all need love, and we can all give it.

It starts with the real intention and desire to give love, to write, speak, act, and think lovingly. Love, as we all know is the highest human emotion, it vibrates as the highest energy, it is infectious. I have learned over the 40 years of being an adult, that it is easy. I learned it in childhood, it was my personal survival mechanism and strategy.

Last week, I sent out the welcome box to a new client, thanking him for joining BIP100, it includes some gifts, a sweet treat, and a handwritten card. Personally written because “Business Is Personal”. The exchange of our clients trust in us, is to give love. The gratitude we have when someone believes in us and becomes a client is huge, Thomas and I never, not once, take it for granted. Our clients allow us to survive, thrive and have the energy for others.

This is a copy of the note I received when my client received his Welcome Box.

“Thank you both for such a wonderful welcome gift. I was really blown away by the box and the thoughtfulness that went into it.  Very impressed by the level of care and connection. …because business is personal, love in business exists and you are totally living up to that. I happened to be in the room with my two other directors when the box arrived and we were all inspired by it, and the questions arose, ‘how can we be more connected to our customers and staff’ so it is already having a knock on effect. as well as making me feel very welcome”.

I have an opportunity this week to speak to 200 (plus many more live streaming in) on Wednesday to a large Bank, focused on culture and engaging with clients and staff. When I was given my brief, I was so thrilled that they reacted fast and positively to the subject of ‘LOVE in Business’. Remember, we all seek love, and we all love to give it; we all love to live in a higher energy than the low energy of fear or apathy.

My ponder is enhanced by the fact that this is a wonderful time to be alive in business, as Ai and technology strip us of the chance to show who we really are and to engage deeply, we have a parallel energy and skill growing, the skill of being loving. This skills is equally matched by the need for love.

So this week, perhaps ponder how you can insert some love into your connections and strategy. I just know you will LOVE it.

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