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Taking time to embrace what’s around us… and breath

Why do we seek ‘performance’ in all areas of our life?

Yesterday, I went for my 6th visit to an Acupuncture chap, a lovely man. He makes me giggle as he sees life in such beautiful, simple terms. I am there due to pain in my wrists and back (pandemic desk life). I am also there to calm myself (pandemic work obsession).

We talked about the constant desire all his clients have to BE better, we laughed over the fact that his friend asked him out for a bike ride, and arrived with full lycra, a pointy helmet, and his Strava App. He witnessed this friend fly off down the road at speed, desperate to beat his timings. ‘Jamie’ on the other hand, enjoyed the ride, saw the beauty of nature and smiled as he rode, back straight and breathing gently. He asked me, “why on earth is that level of ‘performance’ helping my friend?”; his friend works hard and now plays so hard, tough on himself all the time.

Thomas and I do a 3 mile walk each day, tough terrain, on sand, we climb three steep, craggy, sandy hill; but not today! Today, we did a 4 mile, gentle walk to a lake and sat and had a coffee (decaf!!) and breathed. Wow, I feel lovely as I sit down to work today.

Perhaps this is a wee message to us all from lovely Jamie, sent to you with my love for a gorgeous weekend.

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