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Today my book officially launches on Amazon.

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Today has come, a very special day, 35 years of learning business and a year of writing, my book is now published and available on Amazon (and on my website!). Shining a light on emotional and mental health in business ownership.

Being a business owner is the most exciting, creative, personally rewarding journey. We all see the joys of it online. However, is every day, every moment, every end of month as good as everyone likes to shout about? The shiny side of lives that we all share online and at networking events.

For 8 months, throughout 2018, I was dedicated to the creation of a book that would shine a light on Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing for Business Owners. I knew I was a torch bearer, not the expert. I could only talk from experience and share the aspects of business that I found hard and the fact that this was not about business skills, connecting, brand building, or even financial acumen, it was how to manage people and situations that confronted me and over time broke me.

I spent time with an amazing Psychologist, I attended Group Therapy and I absorbed with such pleasure all the lessons and new belief systems and habits that I needed to embrace to be a stronger business person.

If I hadn’t done this, I would have left the business world. A world I love, a world that has had many highs, but one that I felt I no longer could be part of. 35 years in business and 20 of them as a Business Owner, I was broken.

For the final 4 months of 2018, once my book was completed,  I met hundreds of business people who shared their journey and I discovered that I was not alone. So many of us create a business with purpose, we have strengths and we have overdone strengths and we have common vulnerabilities that are hidden.

We are alone a lot as business owners, but we don’t have to be lonely. 12 Chapters that take the reader on a journey of learning and encourages self-awareness, and most of all, encourages the awareness that ‘you do not lack’, despite the feelings modern life can give us..

I am whole again, more than ever before, and this time, business doesn’t hurt me. No matter what strikes me. Resilience is not about how hard life and people can hit you before you fall, it is about how you protect yourself from the blows, avoid them and be the ‘leader of the life and business you want’, this is down to your emotional and mental strengths and awareness and very often, it is about taking back control, in an overwhelming world of noise, options and comparison. .

I hope I am a friend by your side and I hope I meet and connect with as many people as I can during the next 30 years of my business life.

P.P.S You can also order it on my website, I will personally send it and can sign a copy for you or your friend if you wish, I will be in touch if you order this way, click HERE for my order page, I will nudge you when it comes out


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