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‘Happy Moments for 2024’, a life changing conversation


Happy New Year and may your year be filled with Happy Moments.

This week my pondering is about happy moments and the power of knowing you are noticing the moments in your life that are happy.

When I met Thomas, he noticed that I was always saying, “isn’t this a lovely moment?”, or “I want to savour this moment”. Later in our life he said that my grave stone should say “Penny lived her life through happy moments”. A colleague once said to me in 1998, “you get pleasure out of such tiny things”.

Go forward 15 years and I had the great pleasure of meeting Carole Ann Rice, a Life Coach and owner of Pure Coaching Academy. At the time she was also writing a column in the Daily Express called ‘The Happiness Column’. Carole Ann offered to write about my new book ‘Business Is Personal’ in her column, as she had read it and liked the message within.

Over a lovely Italian lunch she shared with me that she saw life made up of Happy Moments, and of course I tingled with the joy of hearing that. She gave me a gift of these words and every day since that lunch in February 2019 I have applied her words to my life. I would like to pass these on to you.

“Penny, life is made up of many happy moments throughout your day, when I have my first cup of tea, I say to myself ‘this is a happy moment’, when I have the first coffee of the day ‘this is a happy moment’, and throughout the day, I notice at least 10 more happy moments’. If you live your life through small happy moments, you will live a happy life”.

How true is this, we all search for those big glorious moments when we achieve a goal, something is achieved, when a massive piece of joy comes into our life but, realistically, how many of those can we expect in life?

As you move into 2024, I wish you so many ‘happy moments’. I wish you large ones but, most of all, I pray that you see the tiny ones in your life and you notice that life is good. Those fleeting moments with strangers, deeper moments with someone, moments to yourself, your first cuppa, your shower, your bath, your walk to the train, whatever you can take time to savour in your day, I wish at least 3,650 of them through out your year ahead. Some call this gratitude, what I believe is that life is precious and we should ensure we notice every moment.

… and I hope I can achieve some happy moments for you this year.

With love always Penny

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