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Penny Power ponders how amazing it is when someone chooses you as their supplier!

This week, for many reasons, I have deeply reflected on how lucky we are to have such amazing clients. I thought I would ponder this with you and nudge you to spend time having that appreciation too.

Maslow calls us ‘Wanting Animals’, our daughter calls it the Want Monster in us all. The fact that we always move on and want more. It is a sad aspect of human existence; however, it is also what has created us as the most innovative, problem-solving species. Never satisfied with our achievements for long, always wanting more.

The danger is that once a client is won, we can be in danger of going back out to hunt, knowing that the food is now being cooked and the business will need more food for the table tomorrow.

I am being very extreme here, and deliberately so, as we can be in danger of forgetting to value the food that we are eating, or being happy that we have that satisfied tummy.

I talk regularly about the need for each of us to feel significant, to be seen and appreciated. It is a fundamental human need. The appreciation we have for every client runs very deeply for Thomas and me.

When a client decides to spend their hard-earned money with us, they are doing more than just purchasing our service and attention. They are giving us a part of their valuable time and energy, resources they’ve spent hours accumulating.

How often do any of us feel valued as a client? I never feel it when I shop, nor when I consume utilities, I feel like I am annoying and an irritation to them. I am a ‘job’ to them. What a difference it would make if all our hard-earned money that we spend either in our work or in our domestic life was valued by the receiver.

Recently, this feeling was triggered by a supplier to us that we spend £500 a month with. It’s not a small sum for a small business like us, over a year it is £6,000. I met this owner recently and far from making me feel like I was valued, he talked about how he dislikes his business and doesn’t want anymore clients. Hearing him verbalise this was like a stab in the heart for me. I really hoped that our small contribution to his business, which felt like a large one, would be appreciated and was making a positive impact for his family and his business.

So how do we show appreciation?

1. Firstly, we thank them for their trust in us. All new interactions are a leap of faith, and we want them to know that we seek to exceed expectations and know that we strive for this all the time.

2. Then we send them a ‘Welcome Box’ that reflects in a small way, compared to their trust I us, that we want them to know they matter to us., we personalise the box with a card, notes and their favourite chocolates. When I ‘onboard them’, I ensure I know what they like as their treat.

3. We are very open and appreciative and always put them first. Fast to respond and always seeking to add value.

4. They know we are selective about who we want as clients and that makes them know that as ‘Experts’ in the market, we really respect and admire them.

5. Our gratitude goes beyond an instant thank-you; it is be embedded in every interaction, and in every moment that we can serve them.

Perhaps, sadly, to learn the lessons of gratitude, it takes pain and financial challenges, to know what it is like to be without clients. How sad is that? Does it take a failing company for the staff, or for the owners to realise that they were so lucky to have clients. I wouldn’t wish that on anyone.

Let’s not only aim to be excellent service providers but also grateful recipients of our clients’ trust and resources. Remember, the way we make our clients feel about their investment in us will ultimately define the relationship we have as we move forward. Being a customer and being a supplier is a partnership, and when there is mutual appreciation, trust and gratitude, the future together will be great.

Business Is Personal, and we personally value each of our clients and hope that they know it, you might be a client of ours reading this, one of the members of BIP100, and if you are, here is another ‘thank you from us’.

This week, as you interact with your clients, take a moment to consider the deeper significance of their choice to work with you. Reflect on how you can show your appreciation in ways that show with sincerity and genuine thankfulness how you feel about them.

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