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It just takes time

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I am am so inspired!

When I started to write my book, my daughter Hannah Power said to me “Mum, it is always better to be amazing in one niche than mediocre in two”. She helped me define my client and who I loved helping the most.

Now Hannah is coaching me (and in line with my beliefs that you ALWAYS pay people for their skills and never have a coffee to “pick their brains) I am her client and I pay her. 

She is helping me to build a brand that serves me but critically serves the exact market I love and empathise with. Her coaching is incredible 

So – I am mission perfect, and I know the content that I love to follow and therefore my “audience” will also love. This has not been an easy journey for me. In fact it has taken years.

Building two companies, Ecademy and Digital Youth Academy was about the business brand, selling the services that ‘the business offered’. My brand was there to serve the business as an ambassador, employee and ‘selling’ the virtues and the value of those companies was a dream. Then I became a ‘Self Employed person, a Freelancer. someone who had to value them-self in order for others to value them.

That is a journey of learning like no other.

This week I write a post on LinkedIn that I saw on Twitter…here is that POST on Li

This is the quote I referred to in the post

Those who succeed in an outstanding way seldom do so before the age of 40. More often, they do not strike their real pace until they are well beyond the age of 50.” – Napoleon Hill

The statistics on Li says it all.

Over 19,000 views, 76 comments and 233 likes/loves

I wanted to share this as we all want maximum reach, we fear niche, we fear cutting out the wider audience. 

Once you get your Personal Brand nailed, and it takes time to really understand it, it is incredible.

Yesterday, I had the best working day of my life, running the first day of our first Mastermind Group – 

Thomas Power and I smiled a million smiles at each other. Our first day back together in this way since the doors of Ecademy closed in July 2012. Our gratitude to our first 12 Masterminds that are trusting us is beyond the words I can share here, but last night n my closing words to them I shared my feelings. 

Our Business Family is growing again – we “are back”

Recovery takes time, takes love and takes the support of a few who really get you.

Thank you our children, Hannah, Ross Power and Tj Power our personal family, the three people who once again are helping us create a Business Family again. They did this when they were tiny, traveling with us, now they are doing this for us as adults.

The dream the 5 of us have and, a legacy that we are starting again, this time – stronger and with more understanding than ever before – business friendship, love, support and kindness is what matters. It is the route of trust and self belief. 

Trusting yourself and regaining a desire, believing in the possibilities again and then taking the deep actions that enable something special to happen. 

We are 55 – as Napoleon Hill said above… this is a great age. To all of those we know who have been on a journey since the late 1990s- we know what we have all been through- together we can all rise again

To learn more about my Mastermind page HERE

P.S. My book is on Amazon – Kindle, Audio and print HERE

P.P.S You can also order it on my website, I will personally send it and can sign a copy for you or your friend if you wish, I will be in touch if you order this way, click HERE for my order page, I will nudge you when it comes out



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