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Escape the Rat Race? is that right for you?

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“Escape the Rat Race”- a great phrase and adopted by the fabulous Christian Rodwell – Escape The Rat Race [ETRR] – Christian interviewed me for his podcast and I shared my thoughts on “Business is Personal” and the importance of understanding your ‘what’.


So, is the grass greener when you ‘escape the rat race’ and become an entrepreneur? Do you have the profile as one, or does risk terrify you like it did me.

Christian is such a powerful interviewer, I actually found myself enjoying listening to my own words! He helps people to decide if ‘escaping’ employment is right for you.

I am in favour of being a Business Owner, but also I love those that are employed and contribute to the success of a business. My son, Ross Power, is an employee at the great company Accenture, my daughter, Hannah Power, has decided to be an entrepreneur, who knows what my younger son TJ, will chose. What is right for one, is not right for all. Ross loves being an Intrapreneur. We can find our own balance.

I hope you enjoy listening to Christian’s show as much as I do, and whatever life choices you make ‘be the leader of the life and the business life you want‘.

PODCAST with Christian and I is HERE

P.S. My book is on Amazon – Kindle, Audio and print HERE

P.P.S You can also order it on my website, I will personally send it and can sign a copy for you or your friend if you wish, I will be in touch if you order this way, click HERE for my order page, I will nudge you when it comes out

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