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Self Worth and its power in business

Self worth and the way Masterminds can grow yours….
“self worth comes from giving worth”.
This is my strong belief. In 2002 I wrote my first blogs and the biggest one, with the most traffic and engagement, was one was about “Emotional Wealth leads to Financial Wealth”
Over the past 20 years of supporting business people with their personal brands and reputation, the greatest need is self worth and confidence in themself. The rise in Imposter syndrome shows the stress caused by the shiny vision we have of everyone else online and the feeling that we lack.
I have always cared deeply about the emotions of people I work with. Our emotions and our mental fitness can have such an enormous impact on our success. My new book highlights my own journey and the things I wish I had known about myself when I was starting out and building my career.
My new book, ‘Business is Personal” is the start of my third role as a torch bearer, my first was around Community (1998-2012) My second was Digital Skills (2012-2018) my third is Mental Fitness in Business.
With self-worth we can grow so much. I have now launched my Mastermind programs. The calls I have had with people who have applied have been so revealing about the world we now live in and the common issues we all have.
the power of masterminds in gaining skills, connections, direction, accountability and business friendship is immeasurable, but the culture is the critical part. To be loved and to give love, to give worth and build self worth.
I have learned that the most crippling thing about myself was my lack of self worth, the power of this awakening has been unbelievable, knowing how to build from that point is the easy part, we can do that together. When you can look in a mirror and see a happy, confident person shining back and you no longer have that internal dialogue that tells you “I am not enough”, when you can say “I am enough, and this is my voice in the world”.
If this does interest you, please contact me through this URL as the form helps me to have the conversation we need.

To contact me about this click on my Mastermind page HERE

P.S. My book is on Amazon – Kindle, Audio and print HERE

P.P.S You can also order it on my website, I will personally send it and can sign a copy for you or your friend if you wish, I will be in touch if you order this way, click HERE for my order page, I will nudge you when it comes out


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