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Taking responsibility for my past and moving on

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From Number 17 in my book serialisation – you can follow this on Insta @pennyfpower

When I speak to people my age (in their 50’s) I am always aware that we carry baggage from our past and the limitations that it creates in our thinking. I spend all my time with skilled experts, they are not necessarily natural business-people, and like me, have a purpose and impact they want to have. Life can erode self-worth and therefore the perception of the value you have. Many people I support are not charging enough for their time and, even worse, are giving their knowledge away too often with free ‘may I pick your brain’ requests for calls and coffees. Many seek refuge by reducing their expectations from life and making their ambitions smaller. I know this, as this was me once too. This is an excerpt from my book “Business is Personal”, in these words I share the chasm I crossed in order to begin to rebuild with strength and self-belief. If you find yourself resonating with any of this. Ask for help and invest in yourself.

Taking responsibility for my past and moving on

Self-awareness once again becomes important before you can move forward in a stronger and more positive way. I want to make a dent and have an impact, and the world I care deeply about is that of the small business, the sole trader, the start-up. The two businesses under my belt have achieved some amazing things, but the strain on me, and the feeling that I had not completed the full vision I held for them made me cautious of my emotional and mental stamina, as well as my skills.

There were parts of me that had to heal, parts of me that had to be stronger, parts of me that had to accept the past. I had to take responsibility for the reasons neither of my businesses achieved the long-lasting impact and financial returns they both deserved.

To fully extract myself from the chaotic business structures and relationships I had created since the sale of Ecademy, I had to start afresh. I had to find a symbolic way to say one part of my life was over and another was starting. I bought a helium balloon and wrote down some words of pain on a piece of paper and words of hope on another. I went out into the garden and made a small fire from the words of pain and attached my words of hope to the balloon. I cried tears of joy as I watched the balloon fly high with the words The Business Café attached. I cried with relief when I saw the pain-filled paper of names turn to ash. Symbolism is important for starting to achieve closure and for new beginnings.

It takes time

Coming back from being broken is not about time, or a stiff upper lip, nor is it about boxing it up, burning it or pretending it doesn’t matter. I truly believe when you dismiss pain and pretend it doesn’t matter, it will end up being everything. Deep, chronic pain can be too easily ignored. We have learned to live with it and accept that state of mind as the norm. But we should not put up with it, whether emotional, mental, spiritual, physical or financial. None of these can be endured endlessly. No matter how long it takes, and for me it took years, the pain eventually surfaces, and we learn the reasons we may have limited our lives. Fear, anger, trust and personal characteristics will all have played a part, and we have to unpack them all and enjoy the new discoveries.

Phrases like ‘this too will pass’ are wonderful – it is true, stressful times will pass. But when you find yourself repeating the same mistakes, creating the same outcomes, then you know that something deeper has to happen to change your future and allow the life you want to show itself.

—- I hope this excerpt has given you some things to reflect on, in my Group on Facebook, I share a great deal about these emotional thoughts, please join me, also, keep in touch with me, send me an email on if you would like to be added to my Newsletter and hopefully, I can make you stronger for your business, as I truly believe that a strong mind creates a strong business.

Exerpt from Business is Personal, available on Amazon in audio, ebook and print:
#businessispersonal #pennyandthomas


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