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Business loneliness impacts 66% of business owners

All my life, as a little girl through to the 57-year-old me, I have been so aware of, and sensitive to, the thought of anyone feeling lonely. I always felt sad for the child in the playground with no friends. We all need to matter to someone and belong to something.

It is what motivated the idea of Ecademy back in 1998. Building the first online way for businesspeople to connect as friends, 4 years before LinkedIn, we were driven to connect, care for and create an environment of love. Now, in a world that has never been more connected, loneliness is rife, and among people who may have never experienced this before. It is what motivates us to build BIP100. From the most successful business owner to the startup, loneliness can strike us all.

In our Business Health Check, 66% of people say they feel lonely in business, this is a big economic problem for each of us and the world. ( )

I have listed the reasons this has an economic impact, if any of these resonate, please consider joining a small community that feel right to you, in your soul

  • Impacts our ability to grow as a person
  • Impacts our self worth
  • Impacts our motivation and mojo
  • Impacts personal resilience
  • Impacts our relevance in an ever-changing world
  • Stops innovation
  • Stops us from seeing the needs of others
  • Impacts our business results
  • Impacts our personal resilience
  • It usually means we don’t have a strong personal brand online, so no one really ‘gets you’ and know who you are, only what you do

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